Esmeralda's northern farm is not only rich in volcanic soil – two oceans, the shade from surrounding forests and abundant rainfall blesses this area, creating an ideal environment for growing Geisha. The farm sits at around 1650 to 1900 MASL, although the nature reserve stretches up to the mountain, all the way to 2900 MASL. This area is also home to the famous Quetzal, along other endangered bird species.
The Private Collection El Velo is a weave of high performing Geisha natural microlots, housed in said El Velo farm of Hacienda La Esmeralda. The mix was personally selected by the Peterson's themselves, after many days of cupping. One of the latest farms added to Hacienda La Esmeralda, this 50 hectare farm is the only one where flat landscape allows a more uniform pattern, forming rows. Geisha and Catuai varieties fill majority of the farm, with smaller lots of exotic varieties like Laurina, Pacamara and SL34.
The microlots displayed intense florals with accompanying notes of stonefruits. Esmeralda El Velo proves this with its extraordinary white floral aromatics, together with a tangerine citric acidity and a mandarin peel finish. The cup brings out a juicy texture along with a stonefruit sweetness of white nectarines and peaches as it cools.
Recommended to rest beans for 7-10 days from roast date before consuming.