Koke Shalaye AN comes from a collection of smallholder producers in Koke. Although an ancient and rich coffee-producing region, countless threats such as climate change and alterations to the environment are still apparent.
Producers in this area collaborate with agricultural development agents to combat quickly upcoming obstacles, such as warmer conditions, multiplying coffee pests and even fluctuating market costs. Projects include removing older trees to replace them with more sustainable varieties and also fair trade and prices with producers.
Soil health regulation is also done to maintain the quality of coffee. Compost is added to the soil and shade trees are planted throughout each farm. This provides an ideal climate and promotes nutrient health within the soil.
For Koke Shalaye AN, the coffee is carefully hand-picked by each producer and then transported to the washing station. The cherries are then immediately sorted to remove under and overripe cherries. Fermentation is done for 72 hours in a large cement tank with the cherries fully submerged. They are then distributed on raised beds to dry under the sun for up to 25 days.
The cherries are transported to the dry mill near Addis Ababa, where a pre-cleaning machine removes foreign matter like stones. After the dried exterior is removed and the cherries polished, the coffee is graded and further sorted to remove unwanted beans.
Koke Shalaye AN is an extremely fruit forward cup. Berry juiciness is apparent and its sweetness lingers with a lavender-like finish.
Recommended to rest beans for 7-10 days from roast date before consuming.